ResidentRadius and LeaseLock Zero Deposit Join Forces To Eliminate Deposits For Good

LeaseLock, the exclusive provider of lease insurance for rental housing, has partnered with DepositCloud from ResidentRadius to fully remove the burden of deposits for rental housing. The strategic integration of these distinctive solutions empowers renters to enroll in Zero Deposit™ while providing a full-service cash management platform for remaining deposits.

Source: Yahoo Finance

Housing operators and investors are dedicated to providing accessible housing for renters while streamlining operations and ensuring compliance. Deposit Cloud removes administrative burden as well as risk and compliance challenges by handling all deposit requirements, including renter communication. By minimizing the complexities surrounding deposits, DepositCloud and Zero Deposit elevate the leasing experience at move in and move out, and remove the friction deposits inevitably create.

“Deposits are a barrier to leasing that guarantee bad debt. LeaseLock replaced deposits while offsetting the risk of inevitable write offs” said Janine Steiner Jovanovic, CEO of LeaseLock. “DepositCloud facilitates Zero Deposit enrollment while absorbing operating burden and mitigating risk, when renters choose to leave a deposit.”

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