Marsh Affinity enable Equipment manufacturer to achieve 99% penetration rate on leasing programme via affinity insurance

Marsh recently assisted an equipment manufacturer in achieving a 99% penetration rate on its leasing program by implementing a tailored affinity insurance solution.

Source: Marsh

Faced with a competitive leasing market, the manufacturer needed a more streamlined insurance process to offer customers as part of their leasing agreements. Marsh’s solution allowed the insurance coverage to be bundled directly with the lease, simplifying the process for both the manufacturer and its customers.

The bundled insurance ensured that all leased equipment was covered from the outset, reducing the administrative burden on the manufacturer and providing customers with added peace of mind. This approach contributed to the high uptake of the program, significantly improving customer satisfaction.

Marsh’s collaboration with the manufacturer highlights how custom insurance solutions can address specific industry needs, helping businesses improve customer retention while simplifying operations.

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