cyan AG and wefox Austria launch first mobile app for integrated cyber and insurance protection with Allianz Partners

cyan AG, a provider of intelligent cybersecurity solutions, and wefox Austria, a leading provider of a SaaS platform for insurance brokers, are launching bundled cyber and insurance protection for customers in Austria for the first time in cooperation with Allianz Partners, a leading provider of assistance and insurance solutions.

Source: cyan

The common goal is to make everyday digital life safer for people and to ensure adequate protection against cyberattacks and the resulting financial losses, both preventively and retrospectively.

As shown by the latest KPMG study “Cybersecurity in Austria” (2023), the number of cyberattacks alone increased by 201% compared to the previous year.[1] According to the Austrian Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), more than 70% of all cybercrime cases start with a phishing attack, making it the biggest cyber threat for end users, whether in companies or in private use. The potential damage is enormous. Proven, adequate protection against data theft, misuse or loss also plays an enormously important role in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

“Even minor inattentiveness in everyday data handling, whether it’s accessing an unprotected WLAN or clicking on seemingly confidential phishing links, has a direct impact on risk potential and therefore increases the probability of a cyber-attack many times over. Cyber criminals use the latest technologies, and there are no longer any limits to their creativity! With weprotect, we have created a solution that serves as an early warning system and intervenes preventively to protect customers,” explains Markus Cserna, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of cyan AG.

“The enormous increase in cyber-attacks in Austria is particularly noteworthy, with 34% of employees having already experienced one and 88% having received suspicious emails.[2] With weprotect, we provide state-of-the-art security technology in the form of an app as a preventive measure and, if something does happen, insurance cover so that you are protected in the event of damage,” adds Rene Besenbäck, Managing Director of wefox Austria.

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