Bridging the gap between data analysis and CX

Powering automation and fuelling AI is, of course, data. Without the ability of insurance distributors and providers to gather customer data, and process it using dynamic analytics tools, the insurance industry would not be evolving in the way it now is.

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This access to rich customer data – in combination with AI and automation tools – is allowing insurers and insurance enablers to reimagine the customer experience – from marketing, through policy administration, to claims processing and customer support.

The good news here is that people today are more willing to share their personal data with non-insurance brands in order to obtain protection products4. And they are also happy to share their personal information with digital assistants in return for prompt and effective resolutions to their queries3.

This allows insurers and insurance sellers to engage customers with tailored communications, offer them personalized protection products, and provide the seamless, omni-channel purchase journeys they now expect.

It was encouraging to see that 82% of the respondents to our survey said they use customer data to customize sales campaigns for different groups of customers.

By offering customers products that fit their purchase and lifestyle needs – through intelligent use of their personal data – insurance sellers are creating a very positive customer experience, while increasing their conversion rates.


The power of CX – and the role of automation in insurance

Like many companies, Topdanmark – Denmark’s second largest insurance company – needs to tackle an increasingly digitised business reality of multiple channels and touchpoints.

With a market share of 17%, insuring both private, business and agriculture clients, Topdanmark covers everything from complex industries to home insurance for the student who just got their first apartment. It is crucial to find the right marketing set-up to ensure that potential and existing customers are met with the right message at the right time, and are guided on a consistent customer journey – no matter where they encounter Topdanmark.

“We have a vision that the customer should feel recognized and understood across all touchpoints. To ensure this, we need a hybrid marketing approach that lets us combine our online and offline touchpoints in the same workflows. For example, plans around personal and phone meetings need to combine seamlessly with the newest digital possibilities.” Jens Green, Corporate Marketing Director at Topdanmark.

A delivery model based on data insight

Topdanmark’s challenge was that the digital channels and direct channels had developed separately and were not sufficiently linked to databases. This created siloes and channels and systems were not in sync. It was multichannel – not omnichannel. It prevented Topdanmark from creating a good flow of touchpoints and communication across channels, making for a disjointed customer journey.

The SAS Customer Intelligence 360 platform was considered for a revamped customer experience approach. During the process, the SAS team demonstrated how Topdanmark’s use cases would be handled in the new set-up, assigning tasks according to value streams in the customer journey. The functionality and ability to process workflows convinced the Topdanmark team to go ahead.

Sanne Thomns, Omnichannel Manager at Topdanmark, headed up the digital transformation project leading to the new hybrid marketing approach. She said: “We really see the CI 360 platform as a quantum leap as compared to the previous platforms. It is amazing how much this has evolved from marketing automation. We have great expectations of the planning module and the workflows it should give us. For example, when data is ready, copy should be getting ready – and really, it all starts with data. The modules will guide the process forward and help us orchestrate the work along the different parts of the marketing process, from data scientist to copywriter.”

Prioritizing effort and budget

In terms of marketing management and overview, the system will help identify bottlenecks: Where is the process stuck? What data are we missing? Every specialist function has its own manager so there might be different priorities. The tool will help the insurer to plan and prioritize, both in terms of time but also marketing spending.

“The CI360 platform itself has been a real ‘wow’ experience, but just as important, SAS has shown respect for our reality. For example, that the direct sales process is integrated into the platform. This has been a real differentiating factor compared to other vendors. And the fact that analytics is the foundation, as channels converge, means we can do real-time intelligent decision making.” Sanne Thomns, Omnichannel Manager at Topdanmark

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