Bikmo partners with Silverfish to offer insurance on Yeti and Norco bikes

Bikmo, the provider of specialist insurance for cyclists, has partnered with Silverfish, the UK distributor of Yeti and Norco. The partnership, which launched at COREbike, will mean all riders buying Yeti and Norco bikes will be able to insure their new bikes for free for 14 days.

Source: Bikebiz

Rob Grisdale, global head of partnerships at Bikmo said: “We’re delighted to partner with Silverfish to protect that ‘new bike’ feeling for Yeti and Norco riders. We’re looking forward to working with dealers to support their business by adding insurance to the mix of services they offer their customers”.

Matthew Osborne, managing director at Silverfish UK added: “We’re stoked to announce our partnership with Bikmo, enhancing the value we offer our retail partners and enabling consumers to leave the shop with their new Yeti or Norco bike and immediately hit the trails knowing they’ve got cover. Because, let’s be honest, when you’ve got a brand-new bike your focus is on going for a rip, not arranging insurance; we’ve got that covered now.”

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