AXA Mansard partners Slot on phone insurance

Axa Mansard Insurance and Slot Systems Limited have entered into partnership to provide insurance cover for smart phones screens.

Source: Vanguard

The product which was launched at the head office of Axa Mansard in Lagos, was a novel initiative for the two companies to ensure that their customers do not bear the entire financial burden in the event of phone screens damage.

Country Manager, Axa Mansard, Rashidat Adebisi, said, “We launch this product to ensure that Nigerians are connected. The downside of an unexpected and unforeseen situation; when you cannot connect to your family and friends, to your money or the source of your money, I’m sure you know it will be a source of worry, which can best be imagined.”

Chief Executive Officer of Slot Systems, Mr. Nnamdi Ezeigbo, affirmed that the idea is a dream come true in line with its plans for customers in 2024. He noted that as a customer-centric brand, the partnership was a testament to Slot’s forward- looking, resilient and perseverance spirit.

“This idea is in alignment of our core values and one of the things that make Axa Mansard a great partner is their global presence, their strong brand, and strong customer base. So all this endeared us to them. Meanwhile, we have plans to take Slot to other African countries, so our spread is not limited to Nigeria alone.”

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